Northeast Congress of Optometry
The annual behavioral optometry conference of New England
Our Specialty
Like our parent organization, The Optometric Extension Program Foundation (OEP), the Northeast Congress of Optometry focuses on vision therapy and behavioral optometry.
Past conference topics have included:
Vision and learning
Visual development
Traumatic brain injury/acquired brain injury
Headache/migraine management
Cerebral/cortical visual impairment
Vision therapy for strabismus and amblyopia
Prescribing for functional vision
Assistive technology
Sports vision
Established in 1940
For over 80 years, we've provided annual conferences to optometrists who specialize in behavioral and functional optometry.
Slobins-Rosborough Behavioral Optometry Fund
The Behavioral Optometry Studies Endowment Fund was founded by the Boston Study Group led by Dr. Sol Slobins to increase exposure of the New England College of Optometry community to Behavioral Optometry. Each April a scholar/clinician is invited to the New England College of Optometry as Scholar in Residence during which time they present to each class, meet with faculty and students, and present continuing education to optometrists in the region. The fund is now named the Slobins-Rosborough Behavioral Optometry Fund (S-RBOF). The Northeast Congress of Optometry is proud to support the Scholar in Residence program and encourages participants to donate to the S-RBOF.
Participants who make a $500 contribution to the Slobins-Rosborough Behavioral Optometry Fund earn $100 off their registration fee for the Northeast Congress of Optometry. Please enclose check made payable to the New England College of Optometry with the notation on the check for Slobins-Rosborough Behavioral Optometry Fund. Donations to the S-RBOF are presented to a New England College of Optometry representative during the annual conference.
Our Team
We are a volunteer run committee that strives to provide quality education in behavioral optometry